Growing In The Dark!
1John 3:9 tells us we have ‘God’s seed in us’.This was beautifully explained by a teacher of the word by using a plant-seed! Imagine a seed. This seed already has the embryo in it to transform into a tree, but then for it to be a huge, fruitful, leafy tree it has to go through processes. First of all , the seed should no longer want to be a seed but would want to be a tree i.e. it has to die to itself! Then it has to be buried, in the ground,into the darkness with dirt clothing it. The dirt , the soil covering it is actually supplying the needed nutrients to the seed. This seed remains dormant,as if asleep till the right conditions and moisture levels are present. And then it bursts ! It bursts and small roots start popping. These roots [i am also imparting botanical knowledge] grow down and deep and push the plant to grow above the soil. The r...