Every women has a role to play for his Kingdom!

     Although there are only two books that are completely dedicated to women..named after women in the Bible: Esther and Ruth; there are many other women characters who are influential and have contributed to the kingdom of God.
     The 1st woman that comes to my mind is Esther – an ordinary woman, and who inspite of being a jew, was made “THE  QUEEN’’ of a different land . 
God gave her this position of a queen so that she could save her people, the jews. She was brave enough to present the matter(of saving her people) to the king,especially when the king had the authority to kill her if he was displeased with it. She was humble enough to listen to Mordecai and wise enough to seek God first i.e to fast and pray about it!
       In Acts 16 we come across another woman in a position, “A  BUSINESSWOMAN” .Lydia from Thyatira! She was a dealer in purple cloth,but she was humble enough to open her house for worship… to promote Christianity! She must have been a known face,especially in the business world. In Revelation, John talks about the church in Thyatira , and maybe Lydia must have played an important role in building that church up!
      Now the third woman In some sort of position is in Acts 18, Priscilla, “A WORKING WOMAN” 
She is described as a tent-maker ,who,along with her husband, i.e she was, profession-wise, co-equal with her husband and notice that paul always mentions both, the husband and the wife’s name together, Priscilla and Aquila, that means she along with her husband had equal involvement in God’s work.
      Now these women were placed by god in some kind of position in society.
      On the other hand we come across women with no authority, no power or position like Ruth who was a simple ,ordinary,daughter-in-law,who had no fancy abilities but simply chose to be obedient and submissive to her mother-in-law, Naomi and that earned her a spot in the Genealogy of Christ.
      Similarly ,Naomi, a simple mother-in-law,who had lost her husband, her children and her everything but held on to her faith and imparted that faith onto Ruth, which made her a part of the Genealogy of Christ. Ruth was a Moabite, so not even a Christian in todays language, but Naomi qualified her and made her worthy!
       In 2 Timothy 1:5 –Paul mentions about Timothy’s Mom and Grandmom, Eunice and Lois and their sincere faith. So growing up Timothy must have seen  their  faith in God and that led him to go out and do great things for god. He became paul’s companion in lot of his travels . Eunice and Lois must not have gone out and preached to people and gained souls but their faith led Timothy to go out and preach!

God might have placed you in some kind of position like Esther, Lydia or Priscilla or you might be placed as a homemaker. Every women has a role to play for his Kingdom! So wherever he has placed us,let us first,acknowledge that and then use it for his glory!


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