Today in the morning while listening to Dr. Charles Stanley share from the passage of The Prodigal Son (Luke 15: 11-31), He commented on how quick we all usually are to study about the younger brother who left home and went away to a far-away country with his portion and lived in Sin. But we tend to overlook the older brother who didn’t leave home, who was with the father the whole time; who faithfully served his father. And yet this very older brother, was filled with unforgiveness, bitterness, jealousy, self-righteousness, was disrespectful as soon as he felt he was betrayed or wronged. His attitude steered towards bitterness at the drop of an unpleasant circumstance. (luke 15:28-30) That’s very true! We usually sit and study and analyze the younger lost son’s actions and maybe, sometimes , compare ourselves with him. But what if we are like the ot...
2 Corinthians 4:15-18 15 All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God. 16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed Day by day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, Since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal This is one of my go-to verses when I am feeling low and exhausted or anxious or stressful or worthless or hopeless because it instantly makes me feel just the opposite of all those words. Though The Bible as a whole, has the ability to change you, your feelings, your emotions and give you peace because it is filled with hope and promi...
Seeing your empty chair ,me turning around but not finding you sipping coffee in your lungi or not seeing you listen to songs and sermons on youtube, you not reading your Physics books..this all seems very unreal to me! I cannot accept this reality where you are no more, Where i can’t see you or hear you or talk to you or hug you everyday. Its almost a month since I have heard you call me Blessy! Turning 31 today, without you,your physical presence,without you placing your hand on my head and praying @12 midnight,like every year ...... And thinking that it's going to be like this from now on is breaking me! Over the past 10 yrs,i have many dates fixed in my head, 11th May 2009, when I was suddenly diagnosed with a rare brain tumor, 25th May ...
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