Just Trust Him!

John 11:5, 6-" Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus. SO when he heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was two more days .."
 The word that caught my attention in this verse was "SO"....SO when he heard about Lazarus he stayed back for 2 more days!!
Why did Jesus do that? Why didn't Jesus run to them? Why did he choose to stay back ? Why didn't he act immediately?
    I mean he could have easily healed Lazarus on time and could have spared the sorrow and pain that Martha and Mary went through, only just if he had not delayed, just if he had been there on time! But he chose to stay back! 
 Also he didn't even have to go there,he could have just commanded.
WHY would he do that? If he loved them very much, why would he stay back and not come to their rescue,especially when they needed him the most. Even Martha is seen here asking Jesus in John 11:21 -“Lord,” Martha said to Jesus, “if you had been here, my brother  would not have died...."

If this was us, we would have definitely left everything to just be there with our loved one! 
 But Jesus handled the situation differently.
Maybe Jesus wanted to test their faith or maybe he wanted  Lazarus to be a testimony among the Jews or maybe he wanted to perform a miracle and glorify god...whatever be the reason, only God knows. 
But this passage shows us that God's thinking and dealing with a situation is very different than us, humans' and at times hard for us, humans to understand!
He has a purpose behind every situation and that too is different. 
God loves us!  DELAY DOESN'T MEAN DENIAL OF PRAYERS! (we must have heard that a lot).Sometimes he causes delay on purpose, doesn't arrive on our time,but that does not mean that he is unaware  about our problem or doesn't care about us or our problems .He is just waiting for his right time to act!! We might not understand it and are tempted to reason everything, especially when we are going through it but we don't have to understand and reason it, we just have to trust him with everything.So lets just "Be still" (Psalm 46:10)and know that he is your GOD, he has got you!!


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