Be SmaRT And NeVeR GiVe Up!

 Mathew 13:24-30, 36-43
This parable, about the good seed and the weeds is quite straight-forward and self-explanatory for us to understand! Also Jesus himself is seen later, in verses 36-43,explaining the parable .
 No matter how many times I might have read or studied a particular passage,but everytime I seem to understand something new,something different and most of the time its completely apt to my ‘at-that-particular-time’ situation.  I am pretty sure, this is the experience of most of us! Power of The Word!!
Couple of things that made me think when I was reading this parable were a) v25 “…But while everyone was sleeping, his enemy came and sowed ….”
True..very true!! The enemy usually comes while we are sleeping, i.e when we are least alert! He chooses a time when we are tired and worn out i.e when our prayers and praises become weak.  In life,when nothing seems to be happening, no prayers seems being answered, no situation or circumstance seems to be changing;as if God had forgotten about our existence on planet earth.! And hence, tempting us to reason why, to doubt his capability, to waver from our faith and sometimes to just give up and leave him ! That is why the bible has verses like To be vigilant, be alert,be on your guard, (1 Peter 5:8 ,1 Corinthians 16:13 and many more! )

Also we have to “be careful” and keep in check even our daily dealings i.e. our speech ,our conduct, our attitude and our treatment towards things,towards people,this too can open a door for the devil to walk in!
The 2nd thing I have always wondered was why is god  letting the evil be! Like in my case, when I was recovering ,I knew I shouldn’t ask “why” so I just re-framed it to “what if”. Instead  of  “why did this happen to me?” , I was like “what if God...the bad people like the murderers, rapists or terrorists,people who commit heinous crimes, have brain tumor?” As if god wanted my opinion to run the world. But V29-30 gives us a clearer picture, he is just waiting till the harvest,till the end "and" there will definitely be an end to evil, to people who do evil, to the enemy, by everlasting fire! Let us just be smart and never give up but keep pressing on because one day,in God’s chosen time, everything will make sense!


  1. Good... True... We do ask... Y not them and y us.. so makes sense let the one makes other suffer be the sufferer.. but I guess they will when he comes to judge we know we will be free😊

  2. Wonderful perspective of the current going ons in our country..����

    1. Yea...there's gonna be an end to all evil!!


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