
Showing posts from May, 2017

CuSTom-MaDe HEaVen!

On earth we have to take an effort I.e we,believers in Christ,have to make this world a better place to live in for us! We have to be honest in this dishonest generation, we have to be selfless among  selfish people, we have to be positive in negative situations , we have to be pure, holy, blameless ,spotless in this world filled with impurity, dirt, filth. We have to say "NO" to many temptations and pass various tests! So 'we" have to be the good in this evil and corrupt world. Ofcourse with God all along, for everything,through everything and in everything to happen! But Heaven!! is a beautiful place where we don't have to take any effort, everything is already custom-made for us. Its already pure and white and bright; light with no presence of darkness or evil, with music and musicians and instruments and songs and singing praises to God, with no thirst or hunger, no sickness, no death, no tears, no Satan. We just have to reach there,that is the only...

The Doxology | Anthem Lights ft. Selah

This song focusses on just praising God! And thats exactly why I love this song and i also like Anthem Lights and Selah 😊!!

Every women has a role to play for his Kingdom!

     Although there are only two books that are completely dedicated to women..named after women in the Bible: Esther and Ruth; there are many other women characters who are influential and have contributed to the kingdom of God.      The 1 st  woman that comes to my mind is Esther – an ordinary woman, and who inspite of being a jew, was made “ THE  QUEEN’’  of a different land .  God gave her this position of a queen so that she could save her people, the jews. She was brave enough to present the matter(of saving her people) to the king,especially when the king had the authority to kill her if he was displeased with it. She was humble enough to listen to Mordecai and wise enough to seek God first i.e to fast and pray about it!        In Acts 16 we come across another woman in a position,  “A  BUSINESSWOMAN”  .Lydia from Thyatira! She was a dealer in purple cloth,but she was humble enoug...

Be SmaRT And NeVeR GiVe Up!

 Mathew 13:24-30, 36-43 This parable, about the good seed and the weeds is quite straight-forward and self-explanatory for us to understand! Also Jesus himself is seen later, in verses 36-43,explaining the parable .  No matter how many times I might have read or studied a particular passage,but everytime I seem to understand something new,something different and most of the time its completely apt to my ‘at-that-particular-time’ situation.  I am pretty sure, this is the experience of most of us! Power of The Word!! Couple of things that made me think when I was reading this parable were a) v25  “… But while  everyone was sleeping, his enemy came  and sowed ….” True..very true!! The enemy usually comes while we are sleeping, i.e when we are least alert! He chooses a time when we are tired and worn out i.e when our prayers and praises become weak.  In life,when nothing seems to be happening, no prayers seems being answered, no situa...

Just Trust Him!

John 11:5, 6-"   Now Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus.   SO  when he heard that Lazarus was sick, he stayed where he was two more days  .."   The word that caught my attention in this verse was   "SO".... SO when he heard about Lazarus he stayed back for 2 more days!! Why did Jesus do that? Why didn't Jesus run to them? Why did  he choose to stay back ? Why didn't he act immediately?     I mean h e could have easily healed Lazarus on time and could have spared the sorrow and pain that Martha and Mary went through, only just if he had not delayed, just if he had been there on time!  But he chose to stay back!   Also he didn't even have to go there,he could have just commanded. WHY would he do that? If he loved them very much, why would he stay back and not come to their rescue,especially when they needed him the most. Even Martha is seen here asking Jesus in  John 11:21 - “Lord,” Martha said to Jesus...

Approachable King!

Luke 6:17...'he went down with them and stood on a level place '..... That is the wonderful fact of our Lord Jesus, he comes down to us, to our level, to  understand us. He doesn't just stand at a high place and commands and hands out some laws for us to follow,instead he walks with us alongside,comforting us, talking to us ,giving us guidance, always loving us ,promising he will never leave us nor forsake us! He doesn't expect us to be perfect ,though he being a perfect God! He himself has gone through every trial and temptation known to mankind. Even now, sitting at the right hand of the father, he is interceding for us! We ought to thank him for it! You can approach him anytime, anyhow, anyplace you want ,with all your imperfections, he just wants us to approach him ! Have a relationship with him! Not just read but meditate,study his word. He knows us and understands us individually, we should also make every effort to understand him !

My Testimony

     Like I mentioned in my introduction,I was  planning to work as an engineer someday but God had a different plan for me.     I was ,all of a sudden, diagnosed with brain tumor when I was 20 and t o make matters all the more worse,it was next to my brain stem ,so it was inoperable!! Was told that I would live only for few more months    But Praise God because I already knew my Saviour and what he was capable of doing, so I didn't have any "why" Or "why now" questions back then.  I remember a wise uncle had told me once "Give it time, at least 6 months, you will know "why", dont ask questions now" i didnt . Also, maybe because a) i was always tired ,sleepy ,busy discovering and dealing with my symptoms and b) though I figured out something is related to my brain, I was not told about the "tumor" Part. That decision  was good i think, otherwise i would have just thought and thought and exhausted myself! I already knew that...