
Showing posts from 2020

Falling to the ground.. .is it in worship or in pain?

        ".....he fell to the ground in worship!"…Job 1:20   There is nothing unusual about this verse to understand because it's very common for us to fall on our knees and praise and worship! ! We all do it or have done it!            But it's very uncommon and extremely difficult for us to fall down and "worship", especially just after hearing a series of losses and disasters!!           Job is seen here doing just that!!          Job lost everything...Everything!! His wealth, his property,his life-long earnings and most importantly his children….all ten of them, on a single day!!        How great and unimaginable must be that loss!! In a matter of some hours,he was informed about the losses that happened ,the disasters that had taken place and the deaths of his loved after the other! Hearing all this ,he got up, tore his clothes and shav...

To my Dad.........

                 Seeing your empty chair ,me turning around but not finding you sipping coffee in your lungi or not seeing you listen to songs and sermons on youtube, you not reading your Physics books..this all seems very unreal to me! I cannot  accept  this reality where you are no more, Where i can’t  see you or hear you or talk to you or hug you  everyday.  Its almost a month since I have heard you call me Blessy!             Turning 31 today, without you,your physical presence,without you placing your hand on my head and praying @12 midnight,like every year ...... And thinking that it's going to be like this from now on is breaking me!             Over the past 10 yrs,i have many dates  fixed in my head, 11th May 2009, when I was suddenly diagnosed with a rare brain tumor, 25th May  ...