The Narrow Door!!

Luke 13:24 .. Jesus said "make every effort to enter through the narrow door...."
        As a Sunday-school going young kid, I always imagined when a person died, he would go up to God and then God would show him two paths: a wide path and a narrow path, LITERALLY!! Like an actual wide road and a narrow road is placed in front of him and he has to make a choice,there and then! The wide path would lead to hell and the narrow road would lead to heaven .
       The wide road was a Tar road, widespread and smooth and shiny, was very easy to walk on, looked very strong, good-looking, a concrete with no cracks ; a textbook "Pakka" road in hindi. ‎While the narrow path looked very parched and muddy and dusty with all cracks, and had red soil....a "Kaccha" road(I imagined my native place roads: my 'then' Kerala roads. ..("then" because now it's all Tarred ). A not-at-all smooth road with tiny stones and pebbles lying around and sometimes even huge heavy rocks were on the way making it extremely difficult to just walk
       So I remember,telling myself,'when you die ,go up and choose the narrow path, just choose the narrow road because it leads to heaven! You will have many obstacles to reach heaven but choose the narrow lane okay!The wide road will have lots of people on it , tempting you to cross over to the crowded path.... but don't follow the crowd, you stay here,on this narrow road'!!
       Ofcourse now I know better!
       We choose our paths here,on earth! We can choose the wide path, a guaranteed smooth ride with materialistic successes, which leads to everlasting fire or we can choose the bumpy, narrow, not-so -pretty road with guaranteed obstacles and problems which leads to everlasting life! Our God is not forceful by nature, therefore the choice is ours!


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