JESuS CalMs a SToRm and Is Calm in A STorM!
Matthew 8:23-27,Luke 8:22-25,Mark 4:35-41 teaches us many things but the two main things that I underlined and re-underlined were;
a) Jesus was with the disciples, in the boat,when the storm hit!
b) Jesus was asleep!
I remember one of the young kids in my church had send a forwarded message to my sister,many years back, when our family
was going through some unexpected and sudden storms stating;
Jesus IN
YOUR BOAT does not mean your boat wont go through storms, it simply means your boat WILL NOT
True! Jesus was with the disciples,in the boat, but still the boat went
through a storm! Their boat tossed and tumbled in the raging waves. The disciples,though the
bible doesn’t mention a number ,we know atleast four out of twelve were
fishermen. So i am certain that they must have seen innumerable storms
and waves in their daily life when they go about doing their business of fishing! But
if the fishermen themselves were afraid of the storm and thought that they were going to die and woke Jesus up: the storm and thunder
and lightening must have been too big,even for them!
. Jesus never promised us a
problem-free,trouble-free life on earth! A problem-free,tear-free, death-free
eternity..yes, definitely! In fact in John 16:33, he
himself is telling us you will have to face all kinds of troubles, but take
heart I have overcome the(this) world! But he will see to it that your boat
will not only sink but reach the shore safely.
Also,when the boat was going through a storm and Peter yelling louder than the storm at his brother Andrew to row the boat away from the storm and Philip frantically screaming and shouting 'we all are going to die'and maybe Thomas making peace with his death already .... Jesus was sleeping!! He was peacefully and Calmly sleeping on a cushion!(Mark 4:38)
Not all storms can be seen in the forecast. When sudden storms hit you, be Christ-like, staying calm in a calamity!
Not all storms can be seen in the forecast. When sudden storms hit you, be Christ-like, staying calm in a calamity!
That needs faith that no matter how bad the situation seems now;God is
in control! So your boat wont sink! And that faith comes from his words,his
promises. And that comes from not just reading but studying his words, diving
into his promises!
Remembering his promises , Repeating his
promises again and again throughout the day and Reminding yourself how God has kept his promises and have answered
your prayers and done so many miracles for you till date! I read that a great
weapon to use against the devil is your memory ! When your foundation is strong, no matter how big
or how sudden a storm hits you,you will not shake, you’ll stay calm like Jesus!
Be like Jesus!
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