
Showing posts from December, 2018

JESuS CalMs a SToRm and Is Calm in A STorM!

     Matthew 8:23-27,Luke 8:22-25,Mark 4:35-41 t eaches us many things but the two main things that I underlined and re-underlined  were; a) Jesus was with the disciples, in the boat, when the storm hit! And b) Jesus was asleep!                 I remember one of the young kids in my church had send a forwarded message to my sister,many years back, when our family was going through some unexpected and sudden storms stating; ‘Having   Jesus IN YOUR BOAT   does not mean your boat wont go through   storms, it simply means your boat WILL   NOT sink’!                 True! Jesus was with the disciples, in the boat , but still the boat went through a storm! Their boat tossed and tumbled   in the raging waves. The disciples,though the bible doesn’t mention a number ,we know atleast four out of twelve were fishermen. So i...