
Showing posts from 2018

JESuS CalMs a SToRm and Is Calm in A STorM!

     Matthew 8:23-27,Luke 8:22-25,Mark 4:35-41 t eaches us many things but the two main things that I underlined and re-underlined  were; a) Jesus was with the disciples, in the boat, when the storm hit! And b) Jesus was asleep!                 I remember one of the young kids in my church had send a forwarded message to my sister,many years back, when our family was going through some unexpected and sudden storms stating; ‘Having   Jesus IN YOUR BOAT   does not mean your boat wont go through   storms, it simply means your boat WILL   NOT sink’!                 True! Jesus was with the disciples, in the boat , but still the boat went through a storm! Their boat tossed and tumbled   in the raging waves. The disciples,though the bible doesn’t mention a number ,we know atleast four out of twelve were fishermen. So i...

The Ugly One!

Read: Genesis 29-16 to 30:24       The bible describes Leah as the weak-eyed or the dull-eyed sister i.e.kind of the ugly one ! !       Genesis 29:16-17 describes Rachel as the beautiful sister and Leah,the dull-eyed one. When The Bible; God-breathed words, didn’t mince words while describing Leah so then obviously,why would people around her be nice!          Leah must be dealing with this comparison all through her childhood. Her family, friends,relatives, neighbours, people …all must have compared her to her sister’s beauty! I can imagine her crying about this in her room.Guests telling Laban,their father, 'your younger one is so beautiful’,in front of Leah.         Even when she became a young adult, her father had to trick Jacob to marry her!(genesis 29:23,24). Why? Maybe because she got many proposals but got rejected when they saw her in person or maybe because her dad t...

The Story Behind the Song “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus”

A hymn that I have heard innumerable times like many Christians and have memorized the lyrics  very well as a kid and understood its meaning as a teen but actually understood the in-depth meaning of each word when I went through various life-experiences; it’s a shame that I learnt the story behind this meaningful   lyrics just recently!! This is an Indian-origin song! (I didn’t know that!) from Meghalaya, then known as Assam.          This story is from the book  Why God, Why?  by Dr. Peramangalam Job.  Dr. Job (1945-2012) was an internationally known evangelist.  He has been called the “Billy Graham of India.”        About 150 years ago, there was a great revival in Wales, England.  As a result of this, many missionaries came from England to northeast India to spread the Gospel.  The region was known as Assam and comprised hundreds of tribes.  The tribal communities were qu...


        Genesis 39:23 says  “ …., because the  Lord  was with Joseph and gave him success in whatever he did.” But just above this verse;  v20 says ' Joseph  was put in prison’?! So that means ,there, in the prison, he had success?! Success and prison!?         Now we don’t associate success with prison. How can a person be successful if he lands up in a punishment facility.  Success and prison is a contradiction! That is a oxymoron!       Similarily Matthew 5:1-12 talks about ‘The Beatitudes’ which is derived from the latin word ‘beatus’ meaning ‘blessed’.This passage is filled with contradictory ideas: blessed are all those who mourn, blessed are all those who are persecuted or insulted ! How can you rejoice and be glad about persecutions and insults !(Matthew 5:12)       God says in Luke 6:38,Matthew 6:1-34,proverbs 11:24-25, Acts 20:35,etc  inorde...