
To my Dad.........

                 Seeing your empty chair ,me turning around but not finding you sipping coffee in your lungi or not seeing you listen to songs and sermons on youtube, you not reading your Physics books..this all seems very unreal to me! I cannot  accept  this reality where you are no more, Where i can’t  see you or hear you or talk to you or hug you  everyday.  Its almost a month since I have heard you call me Blessy!             Turning 31 today, without you,your physical presence,without you placing your hand on my head and praying @12 midnight,like every year ...... And thinking that it's going to be like this from now on is breaking me!             Over the past 10 yrs,i have many dates  fixed in my head, 11th May 2009, when I was suddenly diagnosed with a rare brain tumor, 25th May  ...


                 When I was reading Nehemiah chapter 3, which is about rebuilding the wall and the different gates of the wall by various people, I came across lot of names of builders building different gates. The entire chapter was just names as to who rebuilt which section of which gate and who repaired what and the different goldsmiths and the perfume-makers, etc. It was a bunch of names and I was so tempted to skip the chapter as usual, because reading a bunch of names that we can’t even pronounce is not fun. And we are not “particularly” gaining any “insight” or being “spiritually awakened” from reading names. After all, we all have skipped chapters in Exodus with names!                 I remember an Achen(priest) had once, in my Sunday School class, said that you shouldn’t skip any chapter of the Bible because of names but read it entirely because what if God asks you about it when you meet h...

It's The Attitude!!

           Today in the morning while listening to Dr. Charles Stanley share from the passage of The Prodigal Son (Luke 15: 11-31),  He commented on how quick we all usually are to study   about the younger brother who left home and went away to a far-away country with his portion and lived in Sin. But we tend to overlook the older brother who didn’t leave home, who was with the father the whole time; who faithfully served his father. And yet this very older brother, was filled with unforgiveness,   bitterness, jealousy, self-righteousness, was disrespectful as soon as he felt he was betrayed or wronged. His attitude steered towards bitterness at the drop of an unpleasant circumstance. (luke 15:28-30)   That’s very true!             We usually sit and study and analyze the younger lost son’s actions and maybe, sometimes , compare ourselves with him. But what if we are like the ot...

Our Focus!!

                            I imagine The Apostle Paul's life when he was Saul. It would have been a good life before! He would have definitely been a part of an elite group of learned scholars.  He was a Pharisee, a Hebrew of Hebrews, of the tribe of Benjamin and he referred to himself as faultless and righteous, based on law (Philippians 3:4-5). Also, considering his status and position, his lineage, his sincere zeal and passion for the Pharisaic laws and his religion: prestige, privilege and power would have been synonymous with his name.                     But then when he chose to go by his Roman name Paul, when he became a follower of Jesus Christ, he experienced  a 180 degree flip in his life. He went from one extreme elite, “looked-up-by-the-world” group to the other extreme hardships–filled, sufferings and prison-filled, being beate...

Our Ultimate Goal!!

               2 Corinthians 4:15-18  15  All this is for your benefit, so that the grace that is reaching more and more people may cause thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God. 16  Therefore we do not lose heart.  Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed    Day by day.   17  For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.   18  So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen,  Since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal  This is one of my go-to verses when I am feeling low and exhausted or anxious or stressful or worthless or hopeless because it instantly makes me feel just the opposite of all those words. Though The Bible as a whole, has the ability to change you, your feelings, your emotions and give you peace because it is filled with hope and promi...

Blind Faith!

  In Luke 5:4 Jesus is telling Simon (Peter) “Put into deep water and let down the net for a catch.” Jesus is talking to Peter in the context of catching fish i.e. go into deep water, away from the surface , let down your net and you will end up catching fish       Now,I feel, th is verse has a very deep meaning in itself for us. 'Go deep... for a catch' i.e. we should go deep , dive deep into the Word inorder  to Completely understand what God is trying to speak to us through his Word . We can’t just float on the surface and search for something deep and meaningful. We should be willing to not just read but meditate and study His word and seek His help. We should be ready to take our boats and go deep with Him, letting down our guard, our pride, our shields and being vulnerable and honest about our emotions with God and telling Him how exactly we feel  and asking God to intervene!   We have to dive deep!       Another noticea...

Falling to the ground.. .is it in worship or in pain?

        ".....he fell to the ground in worship!"…Job 1:20   There is nothing unusual about this verse to understand because it's very common for us to fall on our knees and praise and worship! ! We all do it or have done it!            But it's very uncommon and extremely difficult for us to fall down and "worship", especially just after hearing a series of losses and disasters!!           Job is seen here doing just that!!          Job lost everything...Everything!! His wealth, his property,his life-long earnings and most importantly his children….all ten of them, on a single day!!        How great and unimaginable must be that loss!! In a matter of some hours,he was informed about the losses that happened ,the disasters that had taken place and the deaths of his loved after the other! Hearing all this ,he got up, tore his clothes and shav...