Blind Faith!
In Luke 5:4 Jesus is telling Simon (Peter) “Put into deep water and let down the net for a catch.” Jesus is talking to Peter in the context of catching fish i.e. go into deep water, away from the surface , let down your net and you will end up catching fish Now,I feel, th is verse has a very deep meaning in itself for us. 'Go deep... for a catch' i.e. we should go deep , dive deep into the Word inorder to Completely understand what God is trying to speak to us through his Word . We can’t just float on the surface and search for something deep and meaningful. We should be willing to not just read but meditate and study His word and seek His help. We should be ready to take our boats and go deep with Him, letting down our guard, our pride, our shields and being vulnerable and honest about our emotions with God and telling Him how exactly we feel and asking God to intervene! We have to dive deep! Another noticea...